The Complete Birth and Beyond Masterclass

We are excited to announce our Complete Birth & Beyond Masterclass, a prenatal course designed to meet the needs of soon to be parents in the heart of Dubai.

This comprehensive masterclass covers essential topics for new and experienced parents, as well as tailoring the classes to what YOU want to learn during our time together.

Course outline

  • Pregnancy & hypnobirthing
  • Labour & birth (including caesarean/water birth)
  • Practical tools & exercises for labour & birth
  • Maternal mental & physical health
  • Hospital bag and product guidance
  • Feeding your baby (breastfeeding, formula & expressing)
  • Baby sleep
  • Newborn baby care
  • Car seat safety
  • Baby health, vaccinations & allergies
  • 1 follow-up midwife or lactation consultant home visit

We will set your aims on the first session, and make sure we cover everything you want to know.

Benefits for parents-to-be

  • Gain confidence around birth & early parenthood
  • Start to create your support network & build your village
  • Reduce any anxieties you may have around your birth experience
  • Learn the signs of labour and when to call the hospital
  • Feel prepared & empowered about how you feed your baby
  • Learn about the different stages of labour & what to expect
  • Know what to expect in labour- pain relief & interventions
  • Feel prepared & empowered about how you feed your baby
  • Learn how to care for your baby in the early days
  • Learn current baby safety guidance- knowledge is key
  • Leave with resources to refer to (including an online new baby course)

They say it takes a village, you'll leave our course not only with friends on the same journey as you, but a network of professionals to support you through.

In Partnership With

Thinking about a group session?

If you have a group of friends that you think would all benefit from a coaching session, I'm happy to discuss how I can help, either in person or virtually.

I have a range of venues and course topics that I can cover -or I can come to your home for a group session -depending on the size and needs of the group. Get in touch to find out more.

Photo from a Lullabies group session. Mums drink coffee at tables in a brightly painted cafe while Lisa writes topics to cover on a whiteboard.