Useful resources

Having access to a range of parenting resources in one convenient place can be extremely helpful for busy parents and guardians.

Finding the information you need quickly is especially important when trying to manage parenting challenges or seeking support during difficult times.


I've distilled my 20-plus years of nursing and education experience into these eBooks to give you the tools and information you need to succeed at sleep training. These should be seen as complementary to one of the sleep training courses and are also a good way to find out if you think Lullabies will be right for you.

Birth to 3 years eBook


Does getting your little one to sleep consistently feel like a mystery to you? Download my free eBook, packed full of helpful advice and tips from birth to 3 years.

Travelling with your child


Travelling with young children doesn't have to be stressful. This free eBook gives plenty of guidance to help you make every journey enjoyable.


The early days: 0-3 months eBook

AED 75 

Unlock the secrets to newborn sleep and feeding success with this essential guide, backed by 20 years of NICU nursing expertise and sleep coaching wisdom.

The Lullabies
Sleep Glossary

Confused by sleep terms? Take a look through the Lullabies Sleep Glossary for clear explanations that will help you and your little one rest easier.


To help you meet your sleep goals, I’ve popped some product links below of items that I recommend to parents. I have used these items personally, so I can testify to their worth!

Buying from these links Amazon affiliate links doesn't cost you any more but helps to support me, meaning I can help to support you!