Sleep Coaching Methods

There are a few methods of sleep coaching, some of which you may have stumbled upon during some 3am desperate Google searches! They range from parent led to baby led, from extinction (cry it out) all the way through to baby led and attachment parenting style.
Parent led sleep coaching is focused around teaching your baby good sleep habits and routines, by implementing a regular bedtime and following the same routine every night. This type of sleep coaching relies on you as the parent to be consistent in its implementation. You will gradually teach your child that it is time for sleep and that it is not a battle to be won or a power struggle to be had!
On the other hand, baby led coaching is focused around letting your baby find their own sleep patterns and rhythms, with you as their guide. Baby led coaches believe that children are capable of self-regulating their need for sleep if given the time and space to do so. This type of sleep coaching takes into account your parenting style as well as your baby or child's individual temperament. The idea is to present your child with the best environment and timing to sleep and allow them to take up the opportunity whilst helping them learn the skills they need to do so.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Extinction/cry it out, for example is usually seen as the method with the fastest results, however can be very distressing for both carer and child. This is not a method I usually promote, however it does work well for some families and if they choose this method, I will support them throughout. A completely baby led/attachment parenting family usually find a much more gradual approach to sleep coaching is required. This is very gentle, but also usually takes a much longer period of time to see results, so may not be suitable for all family circumstances, especially if you are on a timeline!
It's important to consider your parenting style and your child's individual needs and temperament when deciding which method is best for you. I have found that a blend of methods often works well rather than one very prescriptive way as every child and family situation is different. The most important thing is that you pick a method that works for your family unit and that you stick with it in order to maximise the chances of success. If you've tried sleep coaching on your own and it hasn't worked, check my blog post for reasons why this may be the case.
Whichever method you decide is appropriate for your family, Lullabies is here to support and coach you, help you adapt and adjust every step of the way.
Important information
There is constant research in this field to ensure the safety of our children and guidelines and recommendations are updated regularly. Please remember that this article is a summary only of current guidance and check the links listed for more in-depth information. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list, only to be used as guidance. Your own country may also have their own guidance. If in any doubt about any aspect of your baby/child's care, please consult with your paediatrician.